Welcome to Illinois workNet

Illinois workNet® connects employers to resources and tools for growing and developing their workforce. Bookmark Illinois workNet (https://www.illinoisworknet.com/) and stay current by subscribing to updates and following us on social media. There are always new employer resources, events, and webinars available online and throughout Illinois.

Recruit and Fill Job Openings

Illinois workNet Center staff and partners offer programs to attract and place
qualified candidates. Use the online resources and tools and connect to in-person

Layoff Aversion

Explore employer programs for businesses looking for an alternative to layoffs:

Layoff Assistance

Find resources to help if you are impacted by a layoff.

Network for Success

Networking with a combination of social media and in-person opportunities
provides essential contacts and resources for businesses and workforce growth.

Explore Options

Labor Market Information (LMI) is information and data that describes the
workforce. It includes employment statistics, job forecasts, wages and demographic characteristics and comparisons to national trends.